Bees are Buzzing, Kittens are Purring...

First things outin the country, humming and scratching noises are the norm because carpenter bees come and go, no big deal...boy, were we surprised.

About 2 months ago, we started hearing these noises and thought nothing of it. A few days go by and we see a visitor just buzzing through our kitchen, bringing a couple friends with it. Something had to be done. In the search for the proper retracting method for these honeybees, I told my Dad that we cannot exterminate them, that they had to safely be retracted and sent to someone who would maybe get some honey out of them. A couple weeks later, my Dad got in touch with someone that knew everything there was to know about these guys. He came out and we are now honeybee-free. The process entailed removing siding off of the house, calming the bees and safely retracting them with something that looked like a vacuum. It was a pretty interesting site to see and, as you can tell, these suckers were busier than we expected!

Next up are the kittens. So, long story short, we started with 5 we have 10. When we brought home the first 5, we spayed/neutered all that we could get our hands on and catch. Well, now we have these kittens (pictured are only 3 of 5). When they were born, I told my parents and other family members that we needed to be around them, make our presence known to these kittens because if we don't? We'll never catch them in order to give away to loving homes...and we can't catch them, to this day. So, I've tried to come up with the best way to lure these little guys and nothing seems to take. Once they see us, they scatter and they travel fast.

So, along with the bulls and cows we have out walking the pastures, we've adventured through honeybees and currently investigating kittens at our house. I think we should start up a petting zoo at this point. A lot of animals, but it wouldn't feel quite like home without them.

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