City of Auburn Buildings Closed to Prevent Spread of COVID-19

AUBURN, Ala.- As of 5 p.m. today, March 20, the City of Auburn will close all City buildings to help prevent the exposure to and the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. This decision was made following Governor Kay Ivey’s requests for Alabamians to do their part to help prevent the spread of the virus, which has proven to be difficult to contain.

Buildings will remain closed through April 5. City officials will continue to evaluate the quickly evolving events surrounding the pandemic to make further closure decisions as warranted.

Water, sewer, public works, garbage collection and public safety services will all carry on as usual. City staff will continue to serve residents through all electronic means possible including online applications, email, social media and phone. For those with an immediate need that cannot be handled electronically, please contact the help line at 334-501-7307 where staff will work to individually meet needs the best we can.

Find more information related to the City’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic at

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